Presidents’ Role in Broadening Participation in STEM



Authors: Kimarie Engerman, Camille McKayle, Angelicque Tucker Blackmon


Format: Chicago Manual of Style

Engerman, K., McKayle, C., Tucker Blackmon, A. “Chapter 12: Presidents’ Role in Broadening Participation in STEM” In Handbook of Research on The Changing Role of College and University Leadership, edited by Michael T. Miller and G. David Gearhard, 186-209. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, June 2021.

Abstract: To represent its population, the nation should have a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce. It is known that Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) serve as key producers of minority STEM graduates. As such, HBCUs have contributed to the diverse workforce. Therefore, this chapter examined the role of presidents at HBCUs in broadening participation in STEM fields. Presidents at four HBCUs participated in a semi-structured interview. The four academic leadership frames (structural, human resources, political, and symbolic) were used to explain the factors that have contributed to HBCUs’ success rates. Identified factors were providing students with research and internship opportunities, having an adequate STEM curriculum, having appropriate faculty and personnel at the institution, having financial resources, and creating an environment that was nurturing and supportive of students.

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