Creative Leadership in the Face of Crisis: From Hurricanes to Pandemic



Authors: Camille A. McKayle
Keywords: STEM, HBCU presidents, student success, broadening participation


Format: Chicago Manual of Style

McKayle, C. “Chapter 7: Creative Leadership in the Face of Crisis: From Hurricanes to Pandemic.” In Woman and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises, edited by Heidi L. Schnackenber and Denise Simard, 107-115. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, May 2021. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6491-2.ch007.

Abstract: This chapter will look at leadership approaches, especially through the lens of a woman leader in higher education. What types of leadership approaches might be best suited in times of broad reaching crises? The author explores transformative and creative leadership approaches and approaches and attributes of leadership that are often displayed by women leaders. In times of widespread personal crises that extends outside the immediate workplace, for example hurricane destruction or pandemic, it may be that a communal approach to leadership, based in honesty and compassion and traditionally attributed to women leadership style, might be the appropriate choice.

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