CASL Research

The Center for the Advancement of STEM Leadership (CASL) is an intellectual resource for examining HBCU leadership that broadens participation in STEM. CASL Research is conducted to honor HBCU leaders, inform current leaders, and anticipate future generations’ needs.  CASL Research ensures the inclusion of HBCU leaders’ voices in all facets of research, including research methodologies.

Research briefs

HBCU, Research Brief

HBCUS are doing something different. It’s working

The Soul of Leadership

Creativity Leadership in Crisis

HBCU Presidents' Role in STEM

Intersectionality of Leadership


CASL In the News

Hidden History Reveals Something to Be Treasured: Understanding the Value of HBCUs through CASL Research

The CASL Research team hosts a national convening of HBCU leaders

CASL Researchers present at the 2023 CREA Conference in Chicago, Illinois


Description of CASL Research Resources for storing and managing large volumes of qualitative and quantitative data

CASL Soul of Leadership Dimensions and Rubric-Based Assessment to support leadership growth.

CASL IPEDs Data System for Access, Equity, and Inclusion

CASL Ipeds database

CASL IPEDs Database is a customized database containing 10 years of HBCU institutional characteristic data, specifically enrollment, graduation, retention, and residential status by gender tables, from 2012-2022 database.


The Visiting Scholars Program is where emerging or senior scholars come when they want to explore the first-hand narratives of HBCU legacy leaders, current leaders, or emerging leaders whose leadership has resulted in broadening participation in STEM.

CASL National Convening

The CASL National Convening provided data to perform a confirmatory factor analysis of CASL’s Soul of Leadership Dimensions and the methodology toward a national model for investigating and advancing STEM Leadership for broadening participation.

creative knowledge elicitation

The CASL Research team uses creative qualitative research data collection and analysis, measurement theory, and adult learning principles to elicit deep reflection of leaders’ knowledge and experiences.